Written by Rebekah
Reviewed by Jim
“Gymbeaux” Brown, September 20, 2022
Disclaimer copied from the first book in the series I reviewed: Like everyone at the time, I watched the attacks on 9/11 and my opinions were formed by what I/we saw on television news coverages and special reports also broadcasted on the television networks. Therefore, I believed the media and government’s narrative as it played out on television. Over time, I was introduced to alternate facts and opinions that caused me to rethink the events of 9/11. I add this just so you can put into context what I am about to say about Ms. Roth’s second of four books.
Like Methodical Illusion, the first of four Rebekah Roth’s books, I was unable to put Methodical Deception down. Be warned ahead of time, if you decide to read it and you are anywhere near like me, you may want to put some time on your calendar to do so. Yes, it is that good! In fact, The Deception book is even better than the Illusion book.
Methodical Deception is a very riveting read. Like the first book it is a combination of fiction and fact. There are times when it is difficult to separate the two because you get so wrapped up in the fiction part of the story being told. As I read it, I realized how easily the story part of the book could be converted into a mini-series on television or multiple movies leaving the viewer, just the reader, clamoring for more. This book introduced three more characters and developed the relationships between all of the characters. Dangerous intrigue was introduced but the good part is that the reader is rewarded in that the drama is brought to a conclusion at the end of the book and not spaced out into Roth’s book three of the series. Evidence is provided at the end of the book so you can draw your own conclusions.
As stated above, I initially believed the 9/11 narrative as put forth on television news. At the time I failed to pick up on the fact that every news coverage said the exact same thing. I know what I saw on the television screen but the shock of the events that followed clouded my judgement when it came to believing what I was being told versus what I was actually seeing. It was not until years later when someone pointed out (1) how the twin towers each collapsed upon their own footprints exactly like a building would that was being intentionally demolished with explosives and then (2) how building 7 collapsed 8 hours after the Twin Towers collapsed and without any physical evidence that the building had been hit by either a plane or any of the following debris from the towers. Building 7 also collapsed upon its own footprint like all other buildings that are intentionally demolished with the use of explosives.
The author, Ms. Roth, had been a Flight Attendant and Flight Purser for over 30 years. Therefore, she has significant insight in commercial air flights and passenger controls. She began to ask questions. She raised those questions during the interview that I listened to. I had some of the same questions but had no answers. She laid out answers based on her over 30 years of experience and her answers JUST MADE PERFECT SENSE! What she said she thought had REALLY happened was so over the top and so shocking, it was hard to digest at first. But as I considered her answers and suggestions when compared to the facts she put forth, I had to admit that her explanation of 9/11 made the attack far more believable than what we have been told by the news media and our government.
This book weaves those same questions and her answers into a fictitious plot that is as stated above, riveting to read. Like the first book, I read it in less than 24 hours meaning I read it as close to a one-sitting-reading as possible.
Would I read this book again: Parts of it, DEFINITELY!
Would I give this book as a
Who should read this book: Everyone, but especially those
who believe the news media narrative of 9/11 without question. This book WILL make you question what REALLY
happened, why it happened and your beliefs to this point in time that you have
been taught to believe!
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