I have been in the work force since 1957, I really did start when I was 12 working in my Uncle’s drug store as a stock boy. I have always taught the importance of having personal goals and Gary’s book put the exclamation mark on the real importance of having written goals and especially identifying the one really BIG goal that is your BIG WHY.
The following goals are more of my past TO DO’S or TO BECOME’S; they are what they are; I think you will agree I “could” do a lot worse. They are identified by “bullets” as to not put more importance on one over the other. These are not goals in the strictest sense of the word where the goals should be measurable and have a specific achievement date; they are more of works-in-progress:
· I want to Fail Forward as in Failing Forward by Dr. John Maxwell www.JohnMaxwell.com.
· I want to say YES! far more frequently and make it part of my daily life as Jeffrey Gitomer defined in The Little Gold Book of YES!Attitude. www.JeffreyGitomer.com.
· I want to be known as a Professional as Bill Wiserma defined in The Power of Professionalsm, www.BillWiserma.com.
· I want my friends to think so highly of me they would refer all of their family and friends to me just as Bob Burg describes in his book Endless Referrals www.BobBurg.com and Jeffrey Gitomer in his book The Little Black Book of Connections www.JeffreyGitomer.com.
· I want people to trust me like Jeffrey Gitomer writes in The Little Teal Book of Trust, www.JeffreyGitomer.com.
· I want to live at the summit as Dr. Tom Hill described in Living at the Summit, www.TomHill.com and maybe even write about me in a future book by Dr. Hill in his second or third version of Chicken Soup for the Entrepreneur’s Soul.
· I want to “leave a legacy” as Jim Paluch described in Leaving a Legacy at www.jphorizons.com.
· I want to be and stay “motivated” like Tamara Lowe suggested in Get Motivated at www.GetMotivated.com.
· I want people to know that when they talk to me they hear what I think, not what they want to hear, lessons learned from Fierce Conversations and Susan Scott www.Fierce.com.
· I want my life to be “gossip” free and people know gossip is not welcome when talking with me like Bob Burg and Laurie Palatnik wrote in Gossip, www.BobBurg.com.
· I want to be ever vigilant for new and better ways to do things like Marshall Goldsmith said when he wrote What Got You Here Won’t Get You There!” www.MarshallGoldsmith.com.
· I would like for me and everyone I work with or for, but especially me, to be “all hands on deck” as Joe Tye describes in All Hands On Deck www.JoeTye.com.
· I want people to know the 5 important things about me and my beliefs as defined by Jim Paluch in 5 Important Things at www.jphorizons.com.
· I want to get what I want, who doesn’t, just as Jeffrey Gitomer describes in The Little Green Book of How To Get What You Want, www.JeffreyGitomer.com.
· I want what I do to be on purpose, not an accident just as Tommy Newberry wrote about in Success Is Not An Accident at www.TommyNewberry.com.
· I want BIG dreams just like Joe Tye said in Your Dreams Are Too Small, www.JoeTye.com.
· When I win, and I want to win often and BIG, I want to do so without intimidation just as Bog Burg wrote in Winning Without Intimidation, www.BobBurg.com.
· I never want to lose sight of my 12+ deep core action values; Joe Tye helped me define these in The 12 Core Action Values, www.JoeTye.com.
· I know I don’t know everything therefore I want to simply understand the questions, much like Debbie Ford suggests in The Right Questions, www.DebbieFord.com.
· I definitely want to think for a change, right Dr. John Maxwell? Thinking For A Change at www.JohnMaxwell.com.
· In the end I want to be known as Peggy McColl writes in Being A Dog With A Bone, www.PeggyMcColl.com and one who always ate the biggest and ugliest frog first and every day like Brian Tracy Eat That Frog! www.BrianTracy.com.
· And how cool would it be when people say they learned something on www.NuggetsForTheNoggin.com that they may not have learned had it not been for yours truly and then they would say AHA! Like Bill Wiserma in The BIG AHA!
You know I could go on. What you don’t see above is that I want to be like the folks on Survivor, the Great Race, So You Think You Can Dance, American Idol (that would be me anyway); you get the point. These shows are probably fun to watch but if that is all you do they can also be like invisible mooring lines to your personal growth and development firmly holding you to your invisible dock on your invisible ship of success with no particular place to go. These things are nothing but “time traps” as described by Todd Duncan in Time Traps at www.ToddDuncan.com.
I am hopefully always in my Training Camp in the hopes of not only getting on the Energy Bus but also planning the right Seed as guided by Jon Gordon at www.JonGordon.com.
Finally I Never Want To Fight With A Pig, Peter Thomas, because the pig loves it and you both get dirty, right? http://www.lifemanual.com/order_book.php?name_desc=9
What is it that you want to do or become more (or less) of.
Is what I am about to say or do
consistent with me achieving my BIG WHY?
If YES, are you going to do it?
If NO, are you going to avoid doing it?