By Jim “Gymbeaux”
Brown, March
Since I am asking the question, one might think it is a “trick question”, right? Did you answer FOUR? If you did, you would be only half right. The correct answer is actually EIGHT! For most of my life I would have bet good money on the answer being four as maybe you would have as well and we both would have been wrong.
It was discovered quite by
accident in 1940, when a British Air Force pilot, P. Groves, was flying over
the pyramid. He happened to notice the
concavity and captured it in the now famous photograph.
Just like the famous Pyramid of Giza, almost every story has more than just “one side!” Most stories have at least two sides and some even more. Why is this important to understand? Oh, I am SOOOOOO glad you asked, I was afraid you wouldn’t.
How many sides do the following stories have or how many sides have YOU heard or read?
- COVID vaccines are safe and have no ill effects
- Boosters are safe and have no ill effects
- No one has died from taking the COVID vaccines
- Face masks are effective and work
- Children should be vaccinated for COVID
- Trump will start WWIII if elected President
- Trump will crash the stock market if elected President
- Trump is a racist
- People who support Trump are racists
- Schools do not teach critical race theory
- Parents have no business in what their children are being taught
- The 2016 national election was fair and transparent
- The 2020 national election was fair and transparent
- Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was unprovoked
- Joe Biden is competent and trustworthy
- Kamala Harris is competent and trustworthy
- The Russian dozier was true and Trump colluded with Russia to win the election
Let’s go back further in time.
- Slavery is right, just and legal
- Pearl Harbor was an unprovoked sneak attack and we were totally unaware that it was about to happen
- The Germans we brought to the United States and elsewhere under Operation Paperclip were all basically honest and trustworthy and had no Nazi ties or hangovers
- School children taking cover under their desks would protect them from nuclear attacks
- All of the Polio Vaccines were safe and effective for everyone to take
- A Black quarterback could never play in the National Football League
- Blacks could not play professional sports
- We are the only life form in the entire universe (on its face, how could anyone make such a statement not knowing what is out in the “entire universe?”)
- Thalidomide is safe and effective for expecting mothers
It should be obvious that there is more than one side to each of these stories. You also realize that what might have been “accepted” during one era is no longer accepted or even legal in a later era. More importantly, there is more than one side to the COVID vaccine story but we only hear one side of the story. Except for independent journalists, of which there are many, the news media and government have effectively shut down any discussion that is not in line with their side of the story. Therefore, we get only one side of the COVID story, right or wrong, just one side! Just like for thousands of years, people thought there were only four sides to the Giza Pyramid. If that is all you are ever told, that is all you will ever believe.
Let’s examine what I was taught in my formal school years between 1950 and 1965, that the attack on Pearl Harbor was a “dirty sneak attack by Japan and that it was unprovoked.” Many of you may still believe that; not me. But if you read and research the subject you will come to a totally different opinion of what may have really happened on December 7, 1941 and more importantly why it happened. This is the story we are taught from the history books, the same story we have been told through documentaries and movies and the same story our parents probably told to us. Would our parents intentionally lie to us? Of course not, they merely repeated what they were told and taught. President Roosevelt wanted the United States to help its ally Great Britain fight the Germans, Italians and Japanese but the American people wanted no part of WWII, that fact is not even open for debate.
Here is a twist, “another side”, to the WWII story and how America became involved. It involves a U. S. Navy Lieutenant Commander by the name of McCollom. He wrote a memo that outlined the steps that would be necessary to get Japan to attack America and if that were to happen it would thrust America into WWII and achieve FDR’s objective. I don’t think anyone thought that the attack would involve Pearl Harbor but it would encourage an attack somewhere. I have also read that there were two American warships that were intentionally put in harm’s way thinking that Japan may in fact attack them. If that is true, they were being setup as targets by our own government. It really doesn’t matter; the point is that FDR engaged in foreign policies that actually encouraged Japan to attack America and then the rest is history that we know to be true. Here is just one of the many links you can follow regarding LCDR MCCOLLOM and his Memo.
And not to belabor the point, the first shot was NOT fired by Japan after all. The first shot was fired by the USS WARD on what turned out to be a two-man Japanese Mini-Sub, check your history:
The point is that there are almost always more than just one side to every story. If our news media only prints/broadcasts just one side of a story, the first question should be - why? Why aren’t both sides of a story promoted so the reader and/or listener can make up their own mind as to what to believe. It is intentional that only one side of every story is promoted by the media. Frankly, I believe that it is. If you make a point of paying attention to the advertisers on most if not all national news media broadcasts, you will see that one of the sponsors is Pfizer, a major vaccine manufacturer. Is that just a coincidence? Maybe so, maybe not! You decide!
We just went through a Pandemic where only one side was permitted to tell its story in the news and on social media. All other voices were very effectively blocked/censored. As time moves on, the claims of conspiracy theories have been proven to be false and the stories that had been blocked have turned out to be true.
Let’s turn to Ukraine. What story have you repeatedly heard or been told about the “Russian invasion of Ukraine?” I know what I have heard and there appeared to be a lot of holes that went unanswered. For example, are you aware that Ukraine never applied to have its borders recognized and as a result of this oversight, Russia is involved in more of a police action within its own boundaries than it is involved an invasion force on a foreign country? Did you know that the statements that Biolabs existed in Ukraine and that they were funded in part by the United States, are actually true? Here is another interesting question. We have been told that the Russians have a 40-mile-long caravan of vehicles and troops waiting to further their attack. If that is true, it would seem to me that it would be sitting ducks for attacks on a stationary 40-mile-long caravan of vehicles and troops. No such attack has occurred to my knowledge. And where is the Russian Air Force? Nowhere to be found.
Don’t misunderstand what I am staying. Yhere are many sides to the Russian/Ukraine story that the news media is NOT covering or saying. We hear only what the media wants us to hear and many of us, certainly not you, take what they hear as being gospel. The media would never lie to us, right? Oh wait, that is all we heard from the media for over 3 years, Russia, Russia, Russia and how Trump colluded with Russia to win the election – WRONG! The media constantly lies to us and there is not much we can do other than turn the media off and many of us have done exactly that – TURNED THEM OFF. I personally did so long ago and I put my trust in the independent journalists who seem to have maintained their journalistic integrity and desire for the truth. Whereas the talking heads in the main stream media all spew the exact same story line using the exact same words and phrases no matter what channel you may be tuned to. This cannot be an accident. They all are getting their talking points from somewhere, but where?
I challenge everyone to research the term “Operation Mockingbird.” Don’t take my word for it when I tell you that it involves OUR government feeding and paying the media people to say what the government wanted “we the people” to know and think about things such as Vietnam. The lies that swirled around Vietnam are plentiful and deceitful. Our government wanted to put a favorable image out to the populace to quell the war protestors and form a more positive narrative about the war. News media talking heads were on the government payroll or at least their news organizations were and then the talking heads repeated what their corporate heads told them to say. Did Operation Mockingbird die along with the Vietnam War? I seriously doubt it. It worked, why stop it?
No one is more aware than I am of the ridicule that you get exposed to when you tell a different story than the one you hear or read about on the main stream media. You are mocked, you are ridiculed, you are shammed for thinking the way you do. How many people have been publicly shammed for NOT wearing a mask? It takes courage to do your own research and then make up your own mind as to what is true and what is fake.
My advice to everyone is to:
- Turn off the news and do your own research on current events
- Have your elected politicians on speed dial
- Voice your opinions repeatedly and often
- Get involved in local elections, it matters who sits on our School Boards and beyond
- Demand voter ID
- Demand that ONLY citizens can vote
- Demand ONLY paper ballots – no more electronic voting machines
- Always be skeptical when you hear the exact same story appearing on different media outlets
- Never vote just the “party line” for candidates, do your research, learn what the candidates actually stand for?
- And here is a very novel principle to adhere to, ALWAYS DO THE RIGHT THING, ESPECIALLY WHEN NO ONE IS WATCHING – SET THE EXAMPLE!
I am NOT asking you to take a side on any of the issues discussed in this Nugget. I AM asking that you NOT blindly follow the story lines you see in the national news media and social medias and expect them to be 100% truthful. There is no question that thousands if not millions of people have had their voices blocked and you must learn to ask why. Why are only one side of so many stories ever heard and why are so many opposition sides of those same stories being blocked? Why are so many in power afraid that you might learn the truth instead of learning what “they” want you to hear? Simply put, that is a form of brainwashing! Back to the original example. You can go through life thinking the Giza Pyramid has four sides or you can now tell everyone that you know that it has eight sides and know it with certainty. There are always more sides to every story than you are probably aware of and that can and is a dangerous state of mind for everyone.
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