Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Am I The Only One?



By Jim “Gymbeaux” Brown, February 28, 2002

Aaron Lewis penned a song, Am I The Only One?”  Yes, the language is explicit but somehow the foul language seems to fit perfectly.  The real question is, AM I THE ONLY ONE?  You can watch and listen to the Lewis video by going to this link:

Why am I writing this Nugget?  So glad you asked.  When COVID first appeared on the horizon, I thought I was doing my due diligence by seeking out the advice of several of the doctors I see on a regular basis because like so many Americans, I have “underlying conditions” and they are not unto themselves, life threatening.  When coupled with another disease(s) they could very easily become so.  Therefore, when 4 of my doctors said I should get the vaccines, even though I begged them not to, I took THEIR “medical” advice and received two of the Moderna vaccines, the last of which was in February 2021. 

February 2021, that is when all hell broke loose for me.  At first, I did not recognize that I was having possible adverse reactions (PLURAL) from the vaccine(s), I thought it was just part of the process of getting older. In fact, many of my friends said that exact same thing, “Jim, it’s just old age!” Then I remembered Rule #39, Leroy Jethro Gibbs (NCIS), There is no such thing as a coincidence(s).  It suddenly became very obvious to me that I was in fact experiencing some adverse reactions to the vaccine(s).  Where they just a coincidence?  Maybe so, but maybe not!

It was in mid-2021 that I also realize something that was very shocking to me.  Among other things, the PCR Tests that the government and hospitals totally relied upon were in fact flawed.  At first you did not hear of this on any, and I mean ANY of the major news networks but the information was out there if you just looked.  The PRC tests ARE flawed and in fact are being replaced sometime in mid=2022.  At the moment the test cannot tell the difference between COVID, the flu and the common cold.  Even more importantly, and this is above my pay grade but I’ll attempt to explain it, the doctors refer to “cycles” on the PCR tests.  Almost every doctor would agree that the threshold for “cycles” is 32 or 33, anything higher than that will provide you with false positives and false negatives.  As a result, the PCR tests that have been given and from which the news media posts its daily tally of COVID cases, hospitalizations and deaths ARE AND HAVE BEEN flawed! The test “cycles” are at 44 cycles, clearly not within acceptable or proven standards. Yet the government and hundreds if not thousands of hospitals still use them and the news still reports the numbers.

No one seems to be aware that as the COVID deaths mount month to month day to day, the number of flu cases almost disappeared.  No one seems to draw the conclusion that a HUGE number of people who have died supposedly from COVID also had two or more underlying conditions.  One such underlying condition is obesity and I saw numbers that indicated well over 70% of all “COVID” deaths involved obese people.  Now comes the part that makes me angry beyond description.

Hospitals are financially incentivized to FIND COVID where ever they can.  They receive bonuses for giving the PCR tests.  They receive another bonus if the tests are positive.  Another bonus if the patient is hospitalized.  Another bonus if the hospital prescribes Remdesivir and still another bonus if the patient is placed on an incubator.  Then comes the final bonus – occurs when the patient dies and the hospital records the death as a death FROM COVID not a death WITH COVID.  If the PCR tests are flawed, COVIS may not have even been involved in the patient’s death.  IT’S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY – FOLLOW THE FRIGGIN MONEY!

Back to my doctors.  I asked one of my doctors if he would prescribe hydroxychloroquine (HQ) for me and he said no.  That is when my research discovered that OUR GOVERNMENT made the prescribing of HQ and Ivermectin illegal and pharmacies would not fill such prescriptions EVEN THOUGH HUNDREDS OF DOCTORS AROUND THE WORLD HAVE USED THESE DRUGS TO CURE PATIENTS OF COVID, THE FLU AND/OR THE COMMON COLD.  God knows these hospitals didn’t know what the patient actually had because the TESTS WERE FLAWED!  PERIOD!!!!!!!!!  You can’t make this crap up!  We are all being lied to every day by our government and our news media!

Back to me.  First issue.  Within days of the second Moderna vaccine, I began to have severe pains behind my left eye.  The pain did not remain constant nor did it remain in one place.  It eventually would move over to my right eye but it was primarily behind my left eye.  I immediately saw my ophthalmologist (TWICE) and both times he said there was nothing to indicate I was having a problem.  He did refer me to an eye doctor and she determined I needed glasses but that she could only improve my vision so much but never back to the 20/20 that it was prior to February 2021.  So now I am wearing prescription glasses and find it very difficult to read.  I find myself reading primarily with one eye making the print on the page very blurry.    Was this just a coincidence?  My doctor said “they” had no idea what the short and the long-term ramifications of the vaccines were or what they were going to be; only time would tell.  Update, I saw my doctor yesterday, still having pains behind my left eye, but nothing showed up during the examination to indicate I was having any issues with my eyes.

Issue Two:  Tinnitus.  I have suffered with Tinnitus and anyone who has it knows just how much people suffer with it.  March of 2021 my Tinnitus became twice as piercing as it was prior to February 2021 and has remained at that high shrill pitch ever since.  Another coincidence?  Maybe so, maybe not.  There is no known successful treatment for Tinnitus.

Issue Three:  Blood Sugar Readings.  Ever since February 2021, my blood sugar readings have been very difficult to control  Prior to February 2021, I had an A1C reading on average at 6.2, it suddenly jumped to 7.2 which was a reflection of the erratic high readings ever since the second vaccine.  I would remain in acceptable range 70% to 80% of the time; now it is more like 40% to 60% of the time.  Coincidence?  Maybe so, maybe not but I am beginning to connect the dots.  These issues all began or were enhanced since February 2021.

Issue Four:  The pain returned to my eyes, one at a time but never both together.  Again, the doctor said there was nothing that he could see that was wrong.  I did not have such pain prior to February 21.

Issue Five:  Unbalanced.  I have had periods where I was unbalanced in the past and sought the help of a neurologist.  I saw him again and had several brain scans and all was well, yet my balance was horrible and remains horrible to this day.  Coincidence?  You decide.

Issue Six:  This one was the scariest of all.  I was NOT experiencing any pain or difficulty urinating when suddenly I was urinating blood red urine that manifested itself as a long string like substance that was at least 8 inches long and about a ¼ inch wide.  There was blood all over the place.  For several days later it was obvious that there was blood in my urine but it was very slight in color.  I notified a specialist and he set up two different tests but found nothing.  I was set for a third test when he insisted, I first be test for COVID before he would even look at me.  That is when I said NO!  Why would I want to be tested when I had no symptoms and knew that the flawed tests could and probably would suggest I had COVID?  Again, was this a coincidence?  I no longer believed it was and still don’t.

Issue Seven:  Bell’s Palsy.  I first acquired Bell’s Palsy in the early 1990s.  I signed up for, I practiced for and i participated in a 50 mile bike ride for charity.  The next morning, I came down with Bell’s Palsy on the left side of my face.  It was a horrible but not a painful experience.  Everyone thought I was having a stroke.  About 95% of people who contract the disease/virus fully recover from it.  I was unfortunately part of the 5% that didn’t.  I still had signs of the disease where my left eye and left corner of my mouth do not seem to work as they should.  After the second vaccine the affected parts of my face have gotten worse.  I slur words, have difficulty at times saying certain words, my lower lip always seems or feels swollen and my eyes are no longer proportional in their openings plus my left eye seems to tear up far more often than prior to the shot.

Issue Eight:  Swollen legs below the knees.  Ever since the second injection, I feel like I am wearing compression socks when I am not.  Both legs feel swollen and get occasionally painful around the ankles.  I have tried taking fluid pills thinking that it may be a build up of fluid in my lower legs but the pills did not help.  I have had my legs examined using ultrasound tests and nothing was found, yet the problem still remains.  Coincidence?  Maybe so, maybe not.  There are way too many coincidences to be coincidences since they all began within months of taking the second vaccine.

Issue nine.  Low blood pressure.  It is a known and recorded fact that the vaccines have created heart issues for people that have been vaccinated.  I have not had the issues that some of the younger generation seem to have had but I have had periods of very low blood pressure readings.  I am on medications prescribed by my cardiologists for a heart issue I had in 2012 where I had a 5-ByPass procedure conducted.  The low blood pressures began AFTER the second vaccine injection.  At one point I was admitted to the hospital where several tests were conducted, more medications prescribed and I was released.  Once again, my blood pressure readings are low, like 106/64.  When this occurs, I get very light-headed.  This is another ongoing issue since the second vaccine injection.

For the record, my eyesight still sucks!  I still get the occasional pain behind my left eye.  I am typing this using only one eye to see what I am doing.  I don’t know what the future holds for me or for anyone that took the vaccine which is still AN EXPERIMENTAL DRUG THERAPY, NOT A VACCINE!  I wish people would stop calling it a vaccine because it is NOT A VACCINE!  PERIOD!

The problem that all of this created, at least in my mind, is that I routinely see 5 different doctors for 4 different issues but most are simply maintenance health issues.  Four are specialists and one is a Primary Care Physician.  When you see a doctor for a specific issue, the doctor is supposed to give you information and treatment for that issue even though there are other issues ongoing at the same time.  Rarely if EVER do these 5 physicians talk to each other or even look at each other’s notes.  I took it to the next step and typed out all the issues that happened to me since the second vaccine jab and show them to all 5 of the doctors.  Only ONE asked to keep the document I prepared for her.  She seemed sincerely interested and did in fact keep the document and put it in with my chart papers.

The real question is why did all of these things happen within the space of 6 months of getting the second Moderna vaccine shot?  Where they all just coincidences?  I suppose they could be but I very much doubt it.

Then I discovered the connection.  DISCLAIMER:  Do your own research on this.  There are numerous websites where you can search for “side effects” of the COVID vaccines.  Each one lists different effects and you have to look at several to get them all.  This is just one example:

Most of the “issues” I mentioned above are listed on these various websites.  When I first researched the sites, Bell’s Palsy and Tinnitus were definitely listed.  More recently these two side effects seem to have disappeared from the lists.  To me they remain real and very annoying.

Back to the title of this Nugget, Am I The Only One?  Or, are there others who simply have not spoken up or whose doctors haven’t properly connected the dots or have chosen to ignore the connections?  Are you aware that the government hosts a website where doctors are supposed to input adverse reactions from vaccines of all types?  The VAERS report, where VAERS stands for Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System and can be found at  It has been estimated that less than 2% of all adverse reactions have been reported to the site making it almost useless.  However, the number of events that have been reported including DEATHS (over 20,000) should be enough to shut down the COVID vaccine program forever!  Sadly, the reporting seems to have fallen upon deaf ears when it comes to people like Dr. Fauci and the CDC.  It’s all wrong and people in the know, know it!  Eventually they will all have to pay the price for their deception and evil practices all for the sake of power, money and control.  It defines the term, “crimes against humanity!”

As I write this, the date is March 2, 2022 and the latest VAERS statistics are as follows:

  • ·         24,402 Deaths
  • ·         1,134,982 Adverse Reports
  • ·         133,057 Hospitalizations
  • ·         4,142 Miscarriages
  • ·         49,512 Permanent Disabilities

A final note!  The real question is WHY would people do this to humanity.  I don’t pretend to know the answer but I have my suspicions based on real facts.  I beg you to research the following subjects:

  • ·         Agenda 21
  • ·         Agenda 30
  • ·         Bilderberg Group
  • ·         Georgia Guide Stones

All of them suggest that the world is over populated and the number of people on the planet needs to be reduced.  Not but a little, but rather by a lot.  In fact 13 of ever 14 people need to be eliminated.  How would one accomplish such a task?  Wars would be a good start and we have been in a constant state of wars for as long as I can remember.  Korea, Vietnam, Mid-East (forever), now Ukraine and beyond.  Another way would be by a world-wide Pandemic.  Sound familiar?  None other than Bill Gates did a Ted-Talk on reducing the world’s population.  I seriously doubt if more than 5% of the American population are familiar with any of this.  I started my research after reading the book The Naked Communist.  It became very obvious to me that the goals set forth by The Community Party USA (yes there is such a party and it is alive and well) were well underway and most had already been quietly achieved.  If you look at the state of our public education in America today, you only need to look at Objective #17.  Get control of the schools.  Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda.  Soften  the curriculum.  Get control of teachers' associations.  Put the party line in textbooks. 

I would also HIGHLY recommend watching this 18-minute video, he says it all very clearly.  It’s time to WAKE UP!


Nuff said?

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