By Jim “Gymbeaux” Brown, May
30, 2023
It was the decade of the 1950s when I grew up as a child in Youngstown, Ohio beneath the shadows of two giants of their time. One was the U. S. steel industry. There were 5 major steel plants in Youngstown. I remember being able to drive in from out of town at night and seeing the glow from the plants that were still operating and thriving in the 1950s version of Youngstown, Ohio. There was a second industry that also was huge and thriving in Youngstown and that was organized crime. During one ten-year period, there were 52 unsolved bombings in Youngstown if my memory serves me on the subject. Bombings were an accepted method of removing the clandestine organized crime community of its own members who no longer served their purpose. To demonstrate how prevalent it was, there was a famous city restaurant located on Mahoning Avenue that was frequented by members of the organization. In order to deter anyone from planting bombs in the parked cars of the customers out for a night of entertainment and good food, they hired local teenagers to sit outside the restaurant to wait their turn. Their sole purpose was to start the customer’s cars before they departed. It would have been counterproductive to be killing innocent teenagers so none of the cars were rigged to explode.
I provide this information
to explain that although I was familiar with organized crime, and as stated,
lived within its shadow, I had no first-hand knowledge or experience. The same is true regarding organized crime
that went back to the 1920s and 30s and into the 1970s and even 80s. I was aware of it but had no personal
experience or exposure to it. I knew that
in 1950s Youngstown, the people of the city were upset with the number of
murders and bombings, but not that much.
They were aware that most of the murders involved one element of the crime
organization taking out another element of that same organized crime
industry. It was almost like the term in
professional football, “no harm, no foul” so they didn’t get excited or make any noise,
otherwise, you may be next on their hit list.
It remained that way until one Sunday morning a member who was targeted
to be taken out, had his car rigged with a bomb in his garage. That Sunday he approached the garage and got
into his car with one of his two sons.
Both he and one son were killed in the explosion; the second son who
opened the garage doors was severely injured.
That seemed to have been the catalyst for “things to begin changing” and
organized crime in Youngstown was never the same after that incident.
Why is all this important to this Nugget about History Repeating Itself? So glad you asked. It is my opinion, with the emphasis on the word “opinion”, that between the 1920s and as late as the 1970s, everyone was well aware that organized crime existed. People had been murdered on the streets of several of our major cities but especially Chicago, New York and Youngstown which was often referred to as “Little Chicago.” During this period, we the people, had allies in the media, which at that time were not referred to as “the main stream media” and we also had allies in the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The newspapers would report the news as they were able to uncover it and the FBI appeared to investigate it and use all the legal methods available to identify the evidence to convict those caught in their sting operations. The key word in that statement is “legal.” They used legal means to convict law breaking individuals. It was not a secret that the FBI had to play by the rules or their legal cases would fail in the courts. The criminals, however, did not have to play by such rules. They lived their lives and ran their legal and their illegal businesses as they saw fit regardless of the laws and rules of the day. It was two sides of the same coin playing by different rules.
That leads me to the title of this Nugget, “history repeating itself.” It may be a different story line but the premise of the story in 2023 is the same as it was for all those years between 1920 and 1990. You had a group of individuals that were required to play by the rules while the opposing group of individuals did not have to play by those same rules. The difference this time is in the makeup of those involved in this cat and mouse game. We knew who the criminals were in the 1950s; they made themselves very obvious. In 2023, the players are not so obvious but that is only half of the storyline. The biggest part of today’s story is that, we the people, no longer have a media or an FBI working to rid the country of illegal activities when those activities appear to fall on political sides or in pursuit of political agendas. Our U. S. Justice Department, and that includes the FBI, from all outward appearances, seem to have targeted only those people who fall on the right side of the political spectrum. They have made the case AGAINST them pursuing only those cases that benefited them very apparent as evidenced by the life-span of Hunter Biden’s laptop computer.
The computer had obvious damning evidence and the FBI and Justice Department had the laptop in their position for years and nothing was ever done with the evidence. On the contrary, it is just as obvious that 51 former leaders within the various intelligence agencies VOLUNTARILY signed a letter stating that the laptop was “Russian disinformation” and should be ignored? THEY KNEW that the laptop was Hunter Biden’s and the information was in fact true. This was a criminal case that should have been brought to trial, but wasn’t. Why? Because the same news media that investigated organized crime activities that occurred between 1920 and 1970 collectively chose to ignore the evidence that existed and instead ran with the disinformation story. Anyone providing evidence or statements to the contrary were immediately censored and considered far right conspiracy theorists and nut jobs. But it was even worse, because those same organizations that actively went after law breakers, chose NOT to pursue the law breakers substantiated on Hunter Biden’s laptop.
On the surface it all appears so hopeless and involves much more than just Hunter Biden’s laptop. You could start with the Pandemic. Was it a natural occurring event or was it manmade? All of us who suggested that it was manmade were labeled as nut jobs and conspiracy theorists. We were later proven to be right. Then there were those of us that suggested the 2020 election was stolen and in spite of a great deal of evidence and failures of several states to abide by their own election laws, again we were labeled as nut jobs and conspiracy theorists. None of this would have been possible had the news media actually did its job and investigate the issues of the day. Consider this, President Trump garnered over 75,000,000 votes; more than any previous sitting president yet Joe Biden supposedly beat him. Is that even possible? If you add up Trump’s votes and Biden’s votes you get numbers that appear to be mathematically impossible to achieve yet they were validated and Biden became the next president. Still, MILLIONS of Americans believed the election was stolen but no one, and I mean no one was permitted to even say the words “fraudulent election.” It was that way on all of the major television networks and none of the newspapers would touch the subject. You would think that in an honest world, people would have at least investigated the election results given that MILLIONS of people STILL BELIEVED that it was fraudulent. That should have been a news story but it wasn’t. The media should have at least tried to prove those MILLIONS of people to be wrong; but it didn’t. It just “said” they were wrong and that was the end of the story!
I am of the belief that there ARE people working behind the scenes to fix what has been broken in America for a very long time. Very few of us are privy to the actions being taken. Some such actions eventually see the light of day and become news items. Other false news stories are intentionally leaked to try and control what is actually happening. Few if any of the public know which stories are real and which are false; only time will tell which is which. I personally am happy that the “good guys” are playing by the rules even though the opposition is under no such obligation; just like before. Sadly, a lot of the people who are not obligated to play by the rules, such as are our government officials, elected, appointed or hired, have no fear of ever being prosecuted by a Justice Department that only attacks the political opposition.
It's the same story but with characters playing different roles – history IS repeating itself and will continue to do so as long as people are no longer concerned with history and why things happened as they did. Until such time as the majority of the world’s population actually wake up to the fact that we all have been manipulated by the news media, by what we see and hear coming from Hollywood. and what the government “allows” us to hear and see, nothing will ever change and – history will repeat itself!
How do we stop this cycle from continuing on and on and on? My advice would be to (1) stop listening to the news! (2) pay attention to the messages being put forth in Hollywood movies. (3) listen to the words of the music of the day, especially the music our children listen to. (4) pay attention to what is being taught in our schools. (5) forget the political party affiliations, this situation, if not fixed, will eventually hit the political party you affiliate with; it is a bi-partisan issue if there ever was one! (6) GET INVOLVED!