Quote by
Zig Ziglar
NOTE: Anything in BLUE and Underlined is an active
link to an Internet Web Site
To all the would-be Socialists, not just in America, but
around the world, I have one question to ask you. How many ALLIED
(meaning on our side) soldiers, sailors and civilians were killed as a result
of World War II? I doubt they teach this
information in any of our schools unless you take a specific World History
Course written honestly.
The Answer from the Internet:
World War 2 was split into two sides, the Allies (UK, USA and others)
and Axis (Germany Italy and Japan) Of those killed, 61 million were on
the Allied side and 11
million were on the Axis side, so the losses where massive. It is important to
note that not all the deaths were soldiers and sailors, lots
of civilians, Jews, Women and Children were also killed.
Next question: Of the
61 Million casualties how many were Russian, yes Russia was eventually
considered as one of the Allied forces in case you were unaware. The answer:
World War II fatalities of the Soviet Union from all related
causes numbered more than 20,000,000, both civilian and military, although the
exact figures are disputed. The number 20 million was considered official
during the Soviet era.
Have you ever heard the term, “turn in one’s grave?” Or “turning over in one’s grave?” Where do you suppose that term originated or
why it was said? Again from the
Turn in one's grave
in one's grave is an idiom to describe an extreme
level of shock or an intense level
of surprise and is expressed as the
vicarious sentiment of a deceased person. This hyperbolic figure of speech
is used to describe the upset, disgust,
horror or anger of a deceased person if he or she were alive to hear of a
certain news story, action or idea—especially a negative one.
For the record, I was seriously impacted by
reading the book I just finished, Lefthanded
Soldiers by Gary Eby. I could not recommend it enough. At 74 I felt that there
was not much I could do to "right the ship" in regards to where our
country is headed. Well, thanks to the book, I am immediately changing my tack/course. I will no longer sit on the sidelines and
watch the parade of NIMRODS pass by.
Again for the record. The term NIMROD
is not just some made up word, it has meaning.
Internet definition: In
American slang, the word nimrod is used
as a derogatory term. If someone is called a nimrod, this means
they are assumed to be of low
intelligence and silly or foolish.
We all have choices in life. The most important by far are you can choose to LEAD, you can choose to
I am putting
everyone on notice that if the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, better known as AOC, and of course Bernie Sanders
think I am going to just sit back and accept a Socialist Government, think
again! In fact this is why our Founding
Fathers created the Second Amendment to prevent such foolishness from happening
against the will of the People!
Think again of the 60 MILLION people who lost
their lives fighting Socialism (Germany and Italy) and fighting a religious belief
far worse than Socialism, the people of Japan.
Does anyone think that if the phrase “turn over in one’s grave” were
actually possible that most if not all of the 60 MILLION dead souls would be
turning over in their graves watching these Nimrods trying to implement
Socialism, the very system they died fighting against?
Socialism is evil! Just look around the world. People who have supported Socialism in one
way or another all thought the same thing.
WORK! It will NOT work and it has NEVER
worked. Just look at the oil rich
country of Venezuela whose leader Nicolás Maduro has taken a country that should be prosperous
and has destroyed it! PERIOD! The people of Venezuela are starving! Why?
Maduro is going to make Socialism work no matter how many people will
die because of his insane policies.
To the likes of AOC and Sanders, it is time for
another history lesson. NAZI stands for
National SOCIALIST Workers
Party. USSR, surprise, stands for Union
of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics. Italy?
National FACIST Party which
was one in the same as Nazi Germany. As
for a 1930s and 1940s Japan, they could be likened to Radical Islam of today
where they would do anything and everything for “their version of God” or in
the case of Japan their Emperor. Again,
it made no difference to any of these “leaders” how many of their people died
because of their flawed beliefs and their thirst for power.
built on the premise that only a certain number of “elites” within a socialist
country know what is best for their people and their people’s desires simply do
not matter. Everything is done for the
country’s leadership, flawed as it may be.
The elites then use the power of the military and police to enforce
these flawed policies and the leader insures that of all the people within
their respective countries, the military and police are “fed.” By “fed” I mean they are taken care of
because they are the enforcers within those countries. Failure to feed the enforcers will ultimately
result in the enforcers turning on its leadership. Given enough time that will happen anyway
because Socialism is a system that is unsustainable.
Before you can understand the ramifications of
Socialism you MUST understand the
American political spectrum. If you were
to draw a horizontal line - at the far end to the right you have a small number
of Far Right Extremists. At a center
point you have a small group of people who consider themselves to be
“moderates.” A moderate simply means
that they lack sufficient principles to stand for anything of substance and
shift their allegiance with the blowing political winds. Then at the far left of this line you have a
small number of Far Left Extremists.
Moving from the Center to the Far left, the keen observer can’t help but
notice that the line passes through the “Democratic Party.” That becomes the “Liberal Party.” The Liberal Party eventually becomes the “Progressive
Party.” The Progressive Party eventually
converts into the Socialist Party and then ultimately the NAZI/FACIST
Party. All of these lead to Communism; a
complete take over! My advice to anyone NOT paying attention is to PAY ATTENTION. These are mere words but words mean things
and the things that these words mean, describe a country in chaos or soon to be
in chaos. Eventually you will be unable
to turn the clock back to enjoy the fruits and opportunities America routinely
has provided for hundreds of years that few if any throughout the world have
but all want. Even though the world wants
what we have, there are those in power who want to take it all away from us and
those people are people like AOC, Sanders, Waters, Harris, Clinton, et al.
You don’t have to believe me and many
won’t. In fact I already anticipate the
attacks on what I have written and that is okay because what you think of me is
none of my business. I have done my
research, have you? For most people I
seriously doubt it. That is how
countries change by keeping the citizens in the dark on matters that
matter. These people are like mushrooms;
they ARE kept in the DARK and fed BULL SHIT! That is how
mushrooms thrive! Are you a mushroom?
Let’s go back to 1963. The
Communist Party USA made the decision that they would NEVER be able to take over America militarily. They instead devised 45 Communist Party USA
objectives and they were patient, very patient.
I challenge you to review these 45 objectives and then you tell me if
they have already been achieved or not.
I believe they HAVE been
achieved. Where can you find them? Here is a link. http://www.rense.com/general32/americ.htm Here are just a few of my favorites.
Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States. DONE!
16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights. DONE!
17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks. DONE!
18. Gain control of all student newspapers. DONE!
19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack. DONE!
20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions. DONE!
21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures. DONE!
22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms." DONE!
16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights. DONE!
17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks. DONE!
18. Gain control of all student newspapers. DONE!
19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack. DONE!
20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions. DONE!
21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures. DONE!
22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms." DONE!
Please do not take my word for any of these things. With the Internet you can check them out in a
second! The question is WILL YOU; I made it easy for you by
providing the links to some critical stites? Or will you continue to be a modern day
Mushroom and believe what you have either always believed or believe what you
have been taught to believe?
MOVIE: If you take the time to watch the movie
Agenda, Grinding America Down, you will see it all explained why none of this
is happening by accident; it is all by design and was laid out starting back in
the 1950's. This is really scary stuff if you watch. If you are an Obama
supporter, maybe it will change your mind (it should if you pay attention): https://vimeo.com/ondemand/agendagrindingamerica https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FvP68407eY&feature=youtu.be
(free on YouTube)
2, MASTERS OF DECEIT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUg3WAb6VCY&t=333s
REASONS COUNTRIES FAIL: https://foreignpolicy.com/2012/06/18/10-reasons-countries-fall-apart/
Useful Idiot Definition:
propagandist for a cause of whose
goals they ARE NOT FULLY AWARE and who is USED CYNICALLY by the
Are you a meaningful specific
or are you a wandering generality?
Great question!
Well? Which one are you?