Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The Plus, a book review

Written by Greg Gutfeld
A book review by Jim “Gymbeaux” Brown, July 28, 2020

Let’s start with the end question.  Who should read this book?  The answer is very simple, everyone.  In my opinion, it would be impossible to read Gutfeld’s book and not learn something about America in 2020. 

As I read his book, I found myself on almost every page.  I particularly loved his book because he writes about what I have been thinking for decades.  I also very much like his style.  He writes like he talks on television.  It’s enjoyable to read but more importantly he has some extremely valuable life lessons.  In that regard he and I learned very similar lessons.

Greg’s theory is very simple.  Every morning we all have a choice to make.  He has decided he will ask himself how he can make the day a Plus instead of a Minus.  He reduces everything to these two terms.  Avoid the Minuses and add to and enjoy the Pluses in life.  Surround yourself with people who think like you do and who will encourage you instead of criticize you. One plus I totally agree with is everyone should create a self-education program and then work the program to become better at whatever you wish to do or become.

He has harsh words for Social Media and the ills created by everyone’s desire to want to be seen by everyone.  I believe that the strongest message in the book occurs when he defines and  explains “the two-prison idea” theory.  The book is worth reading if just for this one Chapter.  It’s outstanding and true and anyone who reads it KNOWS it is true.

He has very strong opinions regarding the cancel culture and how to change it.  There is also a discussion on how people literally follow the leader and by leader he refers to things that are not so pleasant.  People tend to do what other people do.  They imitate other people in how they dress, how they act (mostly bad) and what they do for their own personal enjoyment; becoming the person, you were meant to become takes a back seat to just following the leader.

Back to the original question, who should read this book, I do mean everyone ought to not only read it, but they should take the lessons discussed and learn from them.  If everyone did, America would be a better place to live, not many books could do that.

Who should read this book?  EVERYONE, PERIOD!
Would I read it again?  Maybe but probably not as once is sufficient to learn what I should be doing
Would I give it as a gift?  ABSOLUTELY!

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